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October 7, 2010

Road Trip

There're a lot of fun things about being the owner/artist (marketer/bookkeeper/shipper/secretary . . . .) of Bean Up The Nose Art.  One of the most delightful is getting to go on marketing road trips.  Here are how they work:

1)  Get in your silver Saturn Vue, with its "BE WHAT YOU ARE" license plate. 

2.  Make sure to take your great road trip dog, Gracie, with you.

3.  Bring your spiffy little marketing box full of sample goodies.

4.  Caffeinate yourself.  The Pacific Northwest is blessedly full of these kinds of drive-through coffee stands.  It is hard to believe that California does not have more of them.  A shout-out here to fabulous Java Hut in Fairfax and Petaluma . . . bringing them to the Bay Area.  Another shout out to the fabulous woman who worked at this particular stand -- who, when they ran out of dog treats (a key component of drive-through coffee stands . . . caffeine for you, and a treat for your dog), brought her own from home to give out to customers.  Now that's service!

5.  Drive to picturesque towns.  This trip, we hit a lot of spots in western Washington . . . including historic downtown Snohomish:

6.  Find the super cute store in town and show them your stuff.  (No photos here yet . . . that's a separate blog spot to come later.)  

7.  Stop along the way at parks and enjoy the autumn.

What's not to love about this job?!?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a cute dog like Gracie.
