To get my creativity in gear, I have had the great good fortune to work with Eric Maisel -- a one-man dynamo of mega-creativity, who practices what he preaches. Always teaching, leading, coaching, writing . . . and always starting something new.
This time, the "something new" is a brand new website, including a "World Salon." Where he invites folks to contribute. Including me!
Three of them are contributed by yours truly:
You can download them! Awesome!
And they are your preview to . . . drumroll . . . a book that I will be publishing on Kindle this fall . . . with 100 tips for beginning to market your art!!! YAY!!!
With the help of folks at the Bay Area Bloggers Society, I've been learning the world of e-publishing, and cannot wait to get everything together and get this material up on Kindle. Folks responses to the "Tips" posts on the blog have been wonderful, and it seemed like fertile ground to go for it, and pass along information I've learned in the two and a half years that I've been marketing Bean Up The Nose Art goodies.
We'll keep you posted on the e-book :) For now, check out Eric Maisel's fabulous World Salon, and take advantage of all the free tips from all the artists who are playing there.
Love the idea of the "World Salon" as a resource ... and how great that some of those resources have been contributed by you.
I look forward to your ebook!That's so exciting.
Thanks for your kindness and support, Maria. It means a lot, coming from a writer like you :)
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