We're here to report about the big doings this past weekend, when Bean Up The Nose Art got to play at back-to-back sales at two separate -- and marvelous -- venues in Marin County, California. LUCKY US!!!
And . . . . if you like to shop for really cool things in really cool places, LUCKY YOU!!! Because we hear tell that there will be more sales upcoming in both spots. Read on for visuals, reports, the entire 411.
On Saturday, Bean Up The Nose Art got to play at the completely awesome, fall-themed Barn Sale out on Indian Valley Road in Novato, California. Here is our stuff:)
Inside that goodie bag? Bottled water, Halloween candy, chocolate cups, handmade paper goodies . . . and a discount coupon FOR LUNCH. CATERED ON SITE.
Delicious food -- entree, salads . . . and these baked goodies . . . .
Folks came in droves all day long to buy cool things from cool vendors. Like these sweet aprons from Vintage Jules. (That link is to Julie Bickel's etsy site, where you can contact her about buying some for yourself.)
Also on hand was wonderous Blockhead Press from Petaluma, California.
More Halloween terrificness! Cheri Williams' booth was TO DIE FOR.
Including lots of banners of all your favorite Halloween images.
Met so many kind sellers and shoppers there in the glorious almost-fall sunshine. Was so lovely to hear people chuckling out loud at the greeting cards and luggage tags. And more folks signed up for the Bean Up The Nose Art Birthday Club than ever before. (Want to? You can, too! Click here!)
Many, many thanks to Stephanie Sheratt (of the great Paper Fabric Glitter blog) for finding us at the Renegade Holiday Craft Faire last December and asking us to come play. IT WAS SO FUN!!!
Want to come to the next Barn Sale? Mark your calendars for May. It's worth it :)
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A Band of Wives' "Shop Til You Drop For OneMama"
We've posted here about how life has changed since we've been on Twitter. Oh, yes, it has.
For one thing, we learned about -- and "married" -- A Band of Wives. This is a group of amazing women who pull together regularly, often, and fabulously, to support each other, business, causes.
Sunday's event was a fund-raiser for OneMama, founded by "wife" Siobhan Neilland. Here she is, telling us all about it.
Siobhan founded OneMama in 2007, to empower women, families and communities to be successful through sustainable health, education and economics. Working with midwives in Uganda, Siobhan has created a program to sustain and empower communities through the birthing process right up on through the rest of life. If you'd like to find out how to get involved, click here.
Another super-kind and gracious wife opened her home in Kentfield, CA for three hours of fabulousness, where "wives" and guests ate and drank and shopped for other "wives" wares.
And did the Twitter world represent?!?!!? Heck yeah, it did!!! Here's a sampling of terrific folks who came to shop and play:
@prflak, and her co-authored book "Meant To Be."
@hylamolandar, and her website wonders.
@mizbohemia and her wonderful jewelry
@saraholiverhandbags - and her handbags :)
Other great tweeps who stopped by : @onepinky, @leslie_lum, and @girlfrndcircles.
And to tweeting super-buddies @sally_k, @pobutler, and @alembic, a big, gigantic THANK YOU for all of your love and support. May the reiki -- and all other good forces -- always be with you :)
Awesome write-up! I was happy to be there for you and the other amazing "wives" on Sunday. Love your cards and stuff! That reminds me...I have a Thank You card to send out...to a friend who brought me back some yummy chocolate from England. Sending her your "Merci" card. Wait. That's French. Think she'll notice? ;)
We believe "Merci" is appropriate in almost all circumstances :) Thanks for the support, kindness, and super-speedy post, Ms. Butler!
Fabulous reporting from these awesome events. I am sorry I missed the one in Novato, but will mark my calendar in advance. And yes, the reiki worked some wonders on site that day. You caught me there in mid energy stream (or half asleep) it seems :)
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