Is there an e-book that is dying to climb out of your brain?
Have you been wanting to start -- or keep up with -- that blog idea you have?
Are the characters in your novel waking you up at 3:00 a.m. each morning, uttering sentences they are bugging you to write down on their behalves?
Do you keep saying to yourself, "I gotta write. I gotta make the time and do it?"
Well. Then my advice is, "Try a writing group."
Administrated by the fabulous networking/do-gooding/supportive/all-round-awesome group A Band of Wives, the group is facilitated by smart, flexible, interesting and steadfast author and editor Carol Pott. (Find her business editorialgirl here. And check out her books here.)
I am grateful for the time I spend at this group. Finishing up my own e-book (about beginning to market your own art, which I plan to have up as a Kindle selection later this fall). Writing blog posts. Writing pieces for Eric Maisel's World Salon. Writing. Writing. Writing whatever needs and wants to be written at that time, without the distractions of life when we're sitting somewhere else . . . often, trying to avoid writing :)
And I'm grateful for the pastries.
Have heard so often lately from folks that they want and need to write. Sometimes the public commitment to sitting one's butt on the chair and doing it will launch you right forth into the project. Go for it!!!!
What a great tribute to our nascent writing group! Yes, you nailed it: it's that public commitment, even if only for 2 hours, and even if in the company of people with whom you'd love to chat, and even if surrounded by so much yummy pastry and chocolate ... to keep writing and then write some more. Because as we all know, if you are not at your writing place when the muse comes, she's going to move on and sprinkle the glittering words all over someone else's prose. :)
Very true, I so value the time I give to myself and my writing through my commitment to this group. Thank you! This is a great tribute.
So how do I join the group?
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