Death Valley is the largest national park in the contiguous United States. Roughly speaking, it's a valley running 150 miles long, with many other spurs off its sides. It's home to the lowest spot in the northern hemisphere -- Badwater, at almost 300 feet below sea level -- and a place where average summer temperatures are 115 degrees.
It's also a place where humans build things. From mines, to little pieces of art like this.
You will find unending vistas of Mother Earth in her absolutely naked state.
And the quiet that envelopes you.
And the distinctly un-earthly sense that you are in a gigantic bowl of geologic time. You are one teeny tiny speck in this gigantic valley that is home to rocks which are almost two billion years old. And in a place where the focus and shapes keep shifting.
Indeed, that is the point: that it does not matter.
When you are soaking up rocks and sky and light and dirt the age of which you cannot even wrap your brain around, you realize that all of the things that you worry about are not so very important in the very gigantic bigger scheme of things that are so much bigger than you are.
When you comprehend that the whole thing is too big to comprehend, you get free.
Not that we won't worry any more, or make plans, or have hopes and dreams and still be responsible. It's not a stupid kind of free. It's a glorious kind of free.
If you are but a blip . . . or, really, a dot on a spot on a blip of a blip . . . you don't have to be so darned serious about "getting it right" -- whatever "right" might be. You get free. You can play around more. Experiment. See what will happen.
Conversely and ironically, it also matters THAT you try, play, experiment, be your most "you." That your own molecules got arranged to become you -- in this vast oh so vast expanse of time -- means to me that you should not waste your you-ness. Heck no. Those molecules are saying, "We're here! Now, go for it!!!"
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