I had a Top Ten list all planned out. Last week, I gathered my thoughts and wrote them down. I was going to call it "Top Ten 'Tude Tune-Ups of 2011."
But do you know what they all boiled down to?
That's right. You.
Because if you are reading this, YOU are one of the fine folks who lifted me up and carried me through this bright and shiny year. With your love, your kindness. Humor. Compassion. Company. Pocketbooks. Tweets. Consideration. Joy. Open-ness. Patience. Bravery. And I want to thank you for making this 5oth year of mine truly one of the best in my life.
Yes. Now, here, at the end of December 2011, I am A Happy Camper.
Sure, as the psychologists and coaches and everyone will tell you, a big part of that shift is because I did some work (kicking and screaming) on my own misanthropic portion of myself. Sure, I am proud of that, and I encourage anyone who wants to do it: do it, too!
But do you know what? If it was not for the love from all of you that came rushing up to great me every step of the way . . . who knows whether I would have kept up the work? But it was never, ever even a question. Because every single time I began to open up and let the world see my heart, you guys lifted me up.
You sent me tweets and became my friends. You posted hilarious and encouraging words and pictures on Facebook. You gave great art classes, and came to mine. You invited me to become parts of your groups. You bought my products. (Never underestimate how good this makes artists feel . . . .) You posted your goals and musings on this blog. You liked Bean Up The Nose Art's Facebook page. You learned to play the drum with me. You spent precious weekend time coming out to fairs and saying hi. You bought, and read, and posted reviews about my e-book. You celebrated my 50th birthday with me. You took me to lunch and dinner and laughed at my jokes and asked for advice. You ceaselessly offered support and care, and just the best and finest love a person could ask for. You did an awesome, awesome job.
You a co-conspirator and collaborator in my 2011 happiness. I salute your you-ness, and will be forever grateful for it. I wish that I could reach right through this post and give you the big, gigantic hug that you deserve. (And that, for the first time in my life -- at age 50! -- I feel comfortable and happy giving, instead of shy and embarrassed by.)
What an uplifting post! Meeting you has been one of the best things to happen to me this year. Looking forward to more beans in '12.
Fot all that we did for you, you've done for us two-fold cuz that's the way you roll...and that is why you garner out love and affection...karma works both ways, girlfriend and you have grat karma! No kidding, we love you and as I often say, you can't shake us now! Many many hugs and much much gratitude for you just being you.
It so awesome to read these posts and then very condescendingly think that I've got to have you in my life for 40 of those 50 years of ours and what a gift that has been for me. You absolutely helped shaped who i am and so positively influenced the man I've become. Thank you for that because, like you, I'm freakin fabulous, lol. I love you doll. --Jimmy
See how lucky I am?!?!? Such wonderful comments from so many kind friends, old and new. Thanks tons and tons, you guys. Love, A Happy Camper.
Tamara your sense of adventure, determination and focus, and the ability to bring fun to business has been truly inspiring. Plus you were fun to dance with :) way back when!
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