. . . or, "Reason #647 Why I Love Twitter So Darned Much."
Meet Gracie the Dog. (Well, if you've already visited this blog, or follow us on Twitter, you've already met.)
In other words, she is a dog.
Really, seriously, does anything get any better than a dog?
Our grown-up kids used to say when they'd visit, "You love that dog more than you love us." To which I could not really say anything. (Which is probably why they don't say it any more.)
Because, come on.
Do members of your family leap off the couch and wag their tails in sheer delight JUST BECAUSE YOU WALK IN THE FRONT DOOR? Nope. And when you get back into the car after running in to the post office, do members of your family JUMP INTO THE FRONT SEAT AND KISS YOU? No, they do not.
But guess what?
I have found the place where humans are as kind, enthusiastic and generous as dogs.
That's right. It's Twitter. (And it should come as no surprise that a sizable percentage of tweets are ABOUT dogs -- folks walking them, photos of them, tweets about love for them.)
Because here's how Twitter works -- as illustrated by events that delighted and amazed me earlier this week.
I tweeted from Whole Foods at 8:00 p.m. on Monday night that, in fact, that was the best-ever time to shop there: empty-aisles easiness.
Within minutes, I got a tweet back from my fellow Marin tweep (and fabulous friend) @dianefischler . . . could I buy a cold remedy there for her husband (and fellow fabulous tweep) @ken_homer?
I did, and dropped it off at their house.
That is it. Just an errand you do on your way home.
Those two wonderful tweeps posted tweets about me like I was some rockstar. "Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us!!!"
Okay, and THAT would have been enough, right there.
Eight more people fired off tweets before I even drove all the way home: "YOU ARE SO NICE!!! WAY TO GO!!!!"
We need more of this in life.
I'll start.
Here's a big, earnest swack on the cheek for reading this post, and for rocking on with your bad selves :)
And you can't see it, but my tail is wagging.
So many thanks to give here:
1. For writing a terrific post.
2. For saying I am a fabulous tweep.
3. For bringing me the cold remedy.
4. For singing the praises of people on twitter.
5. For being a fabulous friend and tweep yerself!
6. For general good humaness.
Thanks Tam - I am @ken_homer, happily back to health!
What a terrific post!
Yes, "we need more of this in life," and we are getting more of it lately, it seems to me, thanks to tweeps like yourself :)
Here is to more "jumping into the front seat"!
Okay, I confess that I'm a cat person (fellow Leo, remember?), but I do see the attraction of dogs. My husband and I bestow the highest compliment on some dogs, calling them "kitty-pups".
And yes, the whole tail wagging enthusiastic thing is great, but a purring cat .. oh boy.
Anyway, got off track, but do love your point about twitter, tweeps can be fantastic.
Great post!
See what I'm talking about . . . and then tweeps post comments on your blog! Thanks, guys. And we are a bi-species facility here: dogs AND cats rule :)
I just have to ask, who is the charming fellow having the candlelight dinner? Because I think I'm in love.
This may - just may - be the year I get my "next" dog. If that happens, it will change at least one thing. I'll no longer be looking at Twitter pics of dogs every night before sleep, and saving hundreds of their adorable mugs on my iphone. And I won't even miss it, because Mr. or Mz. K-9-divine will be pretty much all I'll look at.
In the meantime, I'm making a point of meeting all tweep-known dogs this year. As soon as possible.
And heh. No wonder I love Twitter so much.
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