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November 4, 2011

For the Holidays: Big News!

Two gigantic pieces of way big good news!!!

Seriously. Hands are shaking while we're formulating this post. And it's not just from too much coffee.

It's because WE. ARE. SO. EXCITED!!!!

Back at the beginning of October, we shared our 4th Quarter goals. (Click here to review.)

We are freaking THRILLED to report that some biggies have been accomplished! And these were not just 4th Quarter goals, people. We've been wanting to get these up and running for a long time. And now . . . . TA-DA!!


LOOK! Here's the cover, made by yours truly. (How much fun is it to make your own darned cover, when you are a collage artist? Is this a job, or is this kindergarten?!?!?)

And inside, just as the cover promises, you'll find 100 tips for making your art your business. Seriously. Because people have been asking us how. And we think you should know -- because if we can do it, you gotta believe you can, too!

There are ten chapters of ten tips each. Some of those tips were started right here on this blog. (Click here, for an example.)

And you can buy the book! For $3.99!! It's right here, in the Kindle store on Amazon! Bwahahaha! And we're willing to bet that for this price-of-a-latte, you're going to find more than a cup of goodness inside. Let us know:)

Shout out here to Joy Randall, the wonderful woman who formatted the manuscript for e-publishing and walked me through the Kindle process. I highly recommend her for all you e-publishing authors. Click here to learn more about her services.

But wait . . . THERE'S MORE!


Shout out here to fabulous daughter Meryl. Artist. Home renovator. Video operator for Bay Area sports teams. And achiever of way more things. Check out some of her amazingness here.

This fabulous chick did mash-ups of Bean Up The Nose Art's card images and other cool background papers we've created . . . and TA-DA!

We've now got a store-full of goodies at

You can find it by clicking here.

Did you go there just now?!?!? Did you?!?!? Did you see the 15 images . . . . including these three?!?!?

Did you click on them and find out what you can get?!?!? Like mousepads? Like fieldbags -- just right to hold iPads? Like iPhone covers? Mugs? Journals? And more?

Everything's under $25.00. And we think this is a great way to support a real, live, nice set of mom-and-daughter artists as you're doing your holiday shopping this year for REALLY COOL STUFF!


Thanks so much for letting us share our really big news with you! So, so, so appreciate all the kindness, love and support that have propelled Bean Up The Nose Art forward this year into being able to achieve these goals. YOU ROCK!


alembic said...

This is big news! I am heading over to Amazon and loading up my Kindle with your book, fresh off the e-presses.

meryl rose said...

yay momma!!!

And ummm, I also do slo-mo operation ;)

Virginia said...

So fantastic -- mucho congratulations! I want a copy! What if you don't have a kindle?!?

Tamara said...

Thanks you guys for your kindnesses!!! Amazon Kindle is the only place I've got it for now . . . if you don't have a Kindle, you can try via Kindle app on ipad, Mac desktop, or iPhone.
