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Sites and Folks We Love

Here's an alphabetical list of friends, suppliers, awesome artists and other amazing places we think you'll enjoy visiting in the net-mos-phere:

Art Chix Studios
There aren't really enough good things we can say about this fabulous site, where you can regularly find inspiration, art challenges, fabulous products (many of which you'll recognize on Bean Up The Nose Art products) and a very friendly, efficient staff.

Blockhead Stamps
Terrific site with loads and loads of super cool paper arts supplies of all sorts.  Always inspirational, fun, whimsical.  Get your creativity on here!

Darling Design
Christine's work is  . . . well . . . darling!  She designed all the graphics for the store portion of Bean Up The Nose Art's site, and you can see she gets right into the spirit of her client's world.  She's also extremely pleasant and easy to work with, and very productive.

Entropic Studio
Wow.  These boys know their stuff.  Helpful in every way imaginable -- especially in working with artists to use technology to market their wares.  Super smart.  Super funny.  Rapid-fire responsiveness, too.  How valuable is a guy who can teach this  middle-aged female artist actually to enjoy the techno-side of her business?

The French Artist Club
The sales reps responsible for getting Bean Up The Nose Art goodies in stores since January, 2011.  These women do AWESOME work.  Now acting as distributor for greeting cards and luggage tags throughout the West.

Letter Writers Alliance
As their mission statement says, LWA is dedicated to preserving the art form of the handwritten letter.  Bless them.  And boy, are they good at it, providing a great blog . . . incredibly cool mail and writing products . . . a penpal service . . . contests.  Very responsive, imaginative, terrific folks run this place.

Meryl Munches Macaroni
Even if she were not the Bean Up The Nose Art daughter, Meryl's awesome hand-painted tennis shoe masterpieces would be highlighted here.  The colors.  The geometric designs.  The skills.  Amazing!  Do yourself a favor and order yourself a pair today.  You know you deserve it.

The Oystercatcher
Terrific restaurant in Coupeville, WA, on lovely Whidbey Island.  These folks know how to cook.  And how to show you a fabulous time.  And they are just darned nice.  And they had the creative vision to suggest we design some cards for them, which you can check out here .  (We hope you'll be inspired to do the same.)

Another fabulous vendor whose design work you'll recognize incorporated into many Bean Up The Nose Art products.  The rubber stamps offered on the site all are terrific -- AND you can special order images.  Fast turnaround.  Great artist.  Good person.
