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January 11, 2012

Spread the Love! Two Quickies for Valentine's Day.


'Tis the Season of Love. That's right: Valentine's Day will be upon us soon.

And we know you're busy.

Really, really, so darned and completely busy. But you know you want some fun. And you know you want to make some Valentine's Day thing-y . . . but you don't want to have to haul out all your materials. And you know you're gonna need a couple of extra cards and gifty-gifts.

So guess what?!?!

Bean Up The Nose Art has designed two "Quickies" ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!!!

Read on, friends. And if you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, we hope you can join us at one . . . or both.

Valentine's Day Matchbox Card Quickie
Saturday, January 28 . . . 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
at Sunny Day Salvage, School Street Plaza, Fairfax, CA
$30.00 for all supplies . . . and treats!

Michele and Angela share their sweet store space in this hour-and-a-half art blast, where we'll make a matchbox Valentine's "card."

Which opens up for more love.

After starting out from these humble beginnings.

Yes! It's way-so-easy. And fast. And even more fun when you're visiting with friends . . . get to pick from all of Bean Up The Nose Art's supplies of gold and pink and silver foil goodies and fun paper . . . and sip some bubbly and eat some delicious food as you go. And don't have to pick up after yourself.

COME PLAY WITH US!!! Pre-registration is required, and class will be limited to eight folks. Post us at tamara@beanupthenoseart to sign up.

Valentine's Day Quickie Shop
Saturday, February 4, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
#2 Florence Ave., San Anselmo, CA

More bubbly! And treats to eat while you shop! In the light and airy energy of Lisa Sonora Beam's "2 FLO" studio space!

Bean Up The Nose Art will be pairing with awesome Willow Older and her Cheeky Kiwi Creations. Click here to see her fabulousness at her etsy shop. Lots and lots of heart art for the Big Day. Greeting cards like this.

Gifty-gifts like these mugs. Because who in their right minds does not like cupcakes?!?!?!

And guess what?!?!?! A BONUS ARTIST to be named later will be adding her goodies to the gift-buying opportunities that will abound.

Of course, Bean Up The Nose Art's got some cards for you, too. Yep!!! Here are our current two most popular Valentine's Day cards.

Hoping you will come on by on February 4 for treats, drinks, and to get your quickie card and gift shopping done . . . with local artists who totally appreciate your support!!!


alembic said...

Darn it... busy both those dates - but I am sure there will be other "quickies" coming up down the line?

SheilaThorpe said...

Love the matchboxes, love that someone will clear up after me & of course, love that glass of bubbly to oil the creative wheels.

Have fun
