Watch out, crows.* You're about to be eaten.
I was never going to have a blog. I scoffed at people who had blogs. Now, look at me.
I was certainly never going to be on Facebook. I scoffed at people who were on Facebook. And yet, I got myself a page or two this month.
In the space where it asks "relationship status?" my real answer should read, "In a committed relationship. With her iphone." Which was another thing I was never going to get. I scoffed at people with smart phones. But last week, I continued my slide down technology's slippery slope and got this beauty . . . . which I do indeed love. (Sorry, Clarke.)
* Note: no actual crows were harmed in this process. Indeed, according to Wikipedia, it's not actually crows -- the birds -- that are eaten when we "eat crow." No. "Crow" was 1850s American slang for animal innards. I presume the animals were already dead for other reasons when people ate their insides as part of their "'umble pie" meals of chagrin/embarrassment.
So, folks, what have we learned?
1. Be careful what you mock. Because you just might end up buying/turning into one of them.
2. Technology can be pretty darned fun, after all. And a good way to communicate for fun and businesss. And therefore, I will soon also be twittering and all manner of other things I used to mock. SO WATCH OUT!!!!
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