Thank you Necessity, oh mother-of-invention! (Or, of "remembering." Because I am sure I learned this technique somewhere else, from other crafty-craft-pants craft women . . . but it was not at the forefront of my mid-life brain.)
Working on images for upcoming Valentine's Day cards. (Yes, we are just past Christmas, and no, we have not even celebrated New Year's yet.) Cutie-pie images . . . from another one of Sugarskull7's terrific stamps.
How to get a cool white image on brown paper fast? Our friend, Titantium White acrylic paint! (Here, from Golden.)
Press it down onto your paper just like you would with ink. Voila! Love the way some of the stamp areas are filled in with the paint. How lucky is it that this happened in the spot with the dollop of whipped cream? Part of the life and fun of the creative process . . . experimenting with what you've got on hand to respond to a "problem," and the resolution turns out to be more interesting and satisfying than the whole thing would have gone if you didn't have the "problem" and resulting experiment.
Use a small brush to apply a thin layer of the acrylic across the top of the stamp. (I used the paint straight out of the tube -- did not thin with anything.)
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