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November 15, 2010

Month of Gratitude, Day 15: Brick & Mortar Friends

I am grateful for the brick and mortar stores that carry Bean Up The Nose Art products.


Thanks to all of the fabulous shopkeepers who've responded with generous and hearty, "Yes!" -es when I've popped into their stores, either in person or virtually, and showed them my wares.

It's a joy to see Beans out in the world, and I love you for helping them get out there.  It's like when you're a parent, and someone is really, really nice to your kids . . . .

So, please click right on over here, to see a list of places where you can find Bean Up The Nose Art products.  Please give these kind and generous folks your business! 

And, though Bean products are somewhere outside the frames of these photos,  I could not resist adding these two photos from the holiday open house last week of one of our newest brick and mortar friends, Joyworks.  DELICIOUS!!!!

Thank you, shopkeepers!  May the upcoming holiday season, and all of 2011, be times of happiness and prosperity for all of you.  You deserve it.  It is hard, hard work to run a business, and to accomplish and keep track of the million things you do each day.  Thanks much for all of your efforts . . . and for taking a chance on newbies like Bean Up The Nose Art.

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