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February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to YOU, Clintene!

So today, amidst the bills and junk mail in  Bean Up The Nose Art's mail box, there was this wonderful package.  

Even the back of it was great.  Can you see that it reads, "It's a day for happy hearts!" 
Which, especially because it was Valentine's Day, was PERFECT.  And couldn't wait to open it up and pull out all the goodies inside.

Which included this FABULOUS VALENTINE!!!!  Here is the front.

Here is the back.
And here is the scrumptious, ornate, hand-constructed middle.  I mean, folks, it is grand!!!

All of this hand-made love came from friend and customer Clintene S. -- who, no matter that she is in Florida and I am currently in California, always feels close to my little-art-girl heart.  Last year, Clintene was doing a long-term house-sit gig out here in the West.  She came to Bean Up The Nose Art's studio as part of Marin Art Council's Open Studio last spring . . . and then came to other shows through the summer.  AND BROUGHT GIFTS!!!!  Always with a smile and encouragement, and always buying Beans, and sharing just the very best spirit and sense of adventure and open-heartedness.  She made my day these times with her kind and enthusiastic spirit.  And then, since she returned to Florida, we've been exchanging random and fun art treats by mail.  Which is about one of the most fun things you can do with your art buddies.  

I mean, seriously -- look at the kinds of things you get!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Ms. Clintene.  Rock on, woman!!!!


Virginia said...

One of my favorite things about purchasing things from the Etsy Artisans is the little goodies most of them pack in with your order. It's like Christmas -- at anytime of the year! So great you have a friend like Clintene!

meryl rose said...

I loved seeing all the goodies when you opened them!

Tamara said...

And friends like Virginia and daughter like Meryl. Thanks for the comments, gals. It's hard to see that heart and not write about it, huh?! Clintine reports it was made with embossing powder over a form heart -- reheated embossing powder and put peace sign rubber stamp into it. (Inked up, so not to stick.) If I've got that wrong, let us know, Ms. C.- Bean!
